Shigley, Mischke, and Budynas
A classic textbook that covers the fundamentals of mechanical design, materials, stress analysis, and failure prevention.
Available Here
Robert L. Norton
Focuses on the integration of design, analysis, and manufacturing for mechanical systems.
George E. Dieter and Linda C. Schmidt
Combines technical aspects of design with considerations for sustainability, economics, and ethics.
V. B. Bhandari
Highly regarded for its clarity and coverage of machine component design, especially in South Asia.
A comprehensive guide to kinematics and dynamics in mechanical design, with a focus on linkage and cam design.
Eric Constans and Karl B. Dyer
Explains how to approach mechanism design with practical applications.
Warren C. Young and Richard G. Budynas
An essential reference for understanding stress, strain, and deflection in mechanical design.
Saeed Moaveni
A practical guide for incorporating finite element analysis into mechanical engineering design using ANSYS software.
Michael F. Ashby
A cornerstone reference for selecting materials based on design and manufacturing needs.
Avallone and Baumeister
An all-encompassing reference manual for mechanical engineering, often referred to as a definitive handbook.
Erik Oberg, Franklin D. Jones, Holbrook L. Horton, and Henry H. Ryffel
Known as the “bible” of mechanical engineering, it is a must-have for machine design calculations and standards.