IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing electrical engineering and technology, known for its globally recognized standards and publications.
IEC develops and publishes international standards for electrical, electronic, and related technologies to ensure interoperability and safety.
ISO is an independent international organization that develops standards across various fields, including electrical and electronic engineering.
CENELEC is responsible for developing electrical engineering standards in Europe, harmonizing them with international guidelines.
APEC's Electrical and Electronics Standards Group focuses on harmonizing standards and technical regulations across the Asia-Pacific region.
ANSI oversees the development of electrical engineering standards in the United States and represents the country in international standardization efforts.
BSI develops and maintains electrical engineering standards in the UK, aligning with international best practices.
BIS is India’s national standards body, responsible for setting and maintaining standards in electrical engineering and other fields.
SCC coordinates the development of standards in Canada, including electrical engineering standards, to ensure compatibility and safety.
CNIS is a leading organization in China responsible for developing and promoting electrical and electronic engineering standards.
Standards Australia develops and maintains standards in electrical engineering to promote safety and innovation in Australia.
SABS develops and monitors electrical engineering standards in South Africa to support economic growth and safety.
NEMA develops technical standards for electrical equipment and practices in the United States to promote efficiency and innovation.
JSA develops standards for electrical and electronic technologies in Japan to support global interoperability and innovation.
UL develops safety standards for electrical and electronic products, ensuring they meet rigorous testing and certification requirements.
EESA focuses on setting and maintaining standards in electrical engineering to advance the field and support global compatibility.