The Mechanical
Engineering Handbook

Properties of Water at Atmospheric Pressure

Atmospheric Pressure = 101.325 kPa

Temperature (◦C) Density
Dynamic Viscosity
(x10 -3 Pa s)
Kinematic Viscosity
(x 10-6 m²/s)
Specific Heat Capacity
(kJ/kg K)
Thermal Conductivity
(W/m K)
Prandtl Number
0 999.84 1.792 1.792 4.219 0.561 13.47
5 999.97 1.518 1.518 4.205 0.571 11.19
10 999.70 1.306 1.306 4.195 0.580 9.45
15 999.10 1.138 1.139 4.189 0.589 8.09
20 998.21 1.002 1.003 4.185 0.598 7.00
25 997.05 0.890 0.893 4.182 0.607 6.13
30 995.65 0.797 0.801 4.180 0.616 5.41
35 994.04 0.719 0.724 4.179 0.623 4.82
40 992.22 0.653 0.658 4.179 0.631 4.33
45 990.22 0.596 0.602 4.179 0.637 3.91
50 988.05 0.547 0.553 4.180 0.644 3.55
55 985.71 0.504 0.511 4.181 0.649 3.25
60 983.21 0.466 0.474 4.183 0.654 2.98
65 980.57 0.433 0.442 4.185 0.659 2.75
70 977.78 0.404 0.413 4.188 0.663 2.55
75 974.86 0.378 0.387 4.192 0.667 2.37
80 971.80 0.354 0.365 4.196 0.670 2.22
85 968.62 0.333 0.344 4.200 0.673 2.08
90 965.32 0.314 0.326 4.205 0.675 1.96
95 961.90 0.297 0.309 4.211 0.677 1.85
100 958.43 0.282 0.294 4.217 0.679 1.75

Other Material Properties